Jyeshtheshvara Temple, located in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, is a popular tourist attraction in the region. This ancient temple, built in the 6th century, is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is one of the oldest surviving structures in Kashmir.

The temple’s architecture is a blend of the Kashmiri and the Indian style, with a unique combination of wood, stone, and brick. The main attraction of the temple is its 10-feet tall lingam, which is one of the largest in the country.

Tourists who visit the temple can admire the intricate carvings on the temple’s wooden doors and pillars. The temple is situated amidst a beautiful garden, and visitors can relax in its serene surroundings while taking in the temple’s architecture and history.

Jyeshtheshvara Temple

The temple is a popular destination for pilgrims, and devotees come from all over the country to seek blessings from Lord Shiva. During the annual Shivratri festival, the temple sees a significant influx of pilgrims.

Apart from its religious significance, the temple is also a popular tourist spot for those interested in history and architecture. Tourists can learn about the temple’s history from the temple priests or by reading the informational plaques around the temple.

The best time to visit Jyeshtheshvara Temple is during the summer months, from April to September. The temple is open all days of the week, and visitors can enter the temple premises free of cost.

Conclusion || Jyeshtheshvara Temple

In conclusion, Jyeshtheshvara Temple is a must-visit tourist destination in Kashmir for those interested in history, architecture, and religion. The temple’s serene surroundings, intricate architecture, and religious significance make it a popular destination for tourists and devotees alike.

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